Saturday, May 28, 2016


44 days…give or take…

This is how much Nutrisystem food we have left.

We had 6 gift cards for Nutrisystem… we returned them to Costco.

I know, it was probably a silly thing to do. But I want to eat real food. I want to get away from the chemicals and the preservatives and everything that goes with that type of DIET. I want to change the way I eat. I want to eat fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains and healthy meat and fish. / melanie kuipers

I have been doing a lot of research on the best “diet” and it made me realize, I don’t want to diet anymore. I want to EAT HEALTHY. I want to be able to have ALL types of food. Because I have realized that once I try to restrict what I eat, that is all I want. Remembering the failed KETO experiment where ALL I WANTED WAS CARBS… which, when I decided to endulge, I stuffed myself with sushi…

So, after the 44 days of Nutrisystem, we will be eating healthy. Healthy foods, healthy portions and probably a little of that other healthy stuff, EXERCISE. We joined the gym a month ago, WE HAVE NOT BEEN ONCE!!! Granted I have been having some medical stuff going on, but that is crazy.

So, I know that the eating thing has been quite a seesaw recently, "let's do Nutrisystem… no Keto… no binge eat and stuff myself…" well it stops in 44 days (give or take)…

I am searching the internet for blogs on healthy and clean eating. I have found a bunch and the food looks (mostly) so good. I can’t wait to get back to eating real food and hopefully, the reduction in chemicals and FAKE stuff will help my health and body and mind.

Im going to start doing the recipe roundups and those types of posts again. I was so excited when we were going to start Keto. I am excited again. I was never really excited about the second attempt at Nutirsytem, which, I think is why it just didn’t work…

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