Saturday, August 22, 2015

September Stuff... no spend month (take 2) - and my 100th post!!!!!!

Ok, for anyone who has been following along since (almost) the beginning, I talked about doing a No Spend Month in July (read more here). It didn't work out as I had hoped since we ended up having to spend all the extra money on Nutrisystem gift cards since they were on sale. Which is okay, because it is a really good deal ($100 gift cards for $59.99 at Costco, thru the end of August). 

So I decided that we would try this again. 

So to recap from the post before... a "No Spend Month" project. I found this idea on 31 Days of Living Well and Spending Less by Ruth Soukup. We will go the whole month without spending any extraneous money. We will not eat out or buy any extra things, other than the necessities. We will pay bills and buy minimal groceries. We will eat all the stuff that is in the pantry that we have bought but never used. 

In September, we have no holidays, our anniversary is over (8/31), its not my birthday yet (10/18) and there is no big purchases that will be needed. Hopefully, this time, it will work out!!!

Oh, by the way... this is my 100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love this idea! I have been cooking out of my pantry and freezer for over a month!
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

    1. Thank you Cynthia, things took a strange turn when we tried to do this in July, hopefully we will have better luck in September!

  2. I love Ruth's writing. I've read her book about blogging and she's so great. Congrats on the 100th post!

    1. I have been following her blog for a few months, I will have to check out her book. Thank you!

  3. Good luck on getting through this month! And congrats on the 100th post!!

  4. You can do it! Since you don't have much going on this time I think you can pull it off. Good luck!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Danielle! I hope we can pull it off, although I did just schedule a medical procedure that will have a large co-pay, but hopefully it won't effect the No Spend Month TOO much!!!

  5. This is an awesome idea! We will have to give it a shot too.

    1. Sunshine Momma, you should come check out the FaceBook group for the challenge, it is No Spend September in Facebook me for the direct link, if you would like!

  6. Happy 100 posts to you! I wish you all the best on your challenge to not spend any unnecessary money! :)

  7. This is something I need to do badly! We have SO much stuff in the pantry thats perfectly good, but is just sitting there. Thanks for giving me some inspiration!

    1. Your welcome Whitney! This is an excellent way to get rid of some of that old pantry stuff that is taking up space!!!
