Weight - 222.6
Morning Fasting Blood Sugar - oops
Steps taken (FitBit) - 2588
Miles (FitBit) - 1.15
Active Minutes (FitBit) - 0
Exercise completed - None, I actually slept alot of the day...
Calories in (MyFitnessPal) - 1845
Calories out (FitBit) - 2105
Water Intake - 48oz (not nearly enough)
Nutrisystem (NS) On Plan - No, I was good ALL day, and then...Taco Bell
What I ate today -
Breakfast - Eggs, NS Bagel with laughing cow cheese
Lunch - NS Chicken Sandwich with laughing cow cheese, veggies and a piece of chocolate
PM snack - Beef Jerky
Dinner - NS Turkey Sausage and Bacon Rigatoni with veggies and a plum
Late snack - We had to go to the store and hubby was hungry so we ended up at Taco Bell (WTF), 630 calories later I had eaten a bean and cheese burrito and half a mexican pizza :(
Comments - Mommy was supposed to visit this weekend, but stupid weather yesterday caused her flight to be cancelled. So she will not be coming until next weekend... I was very upset yesterday, but I did not take my stress and sadness out by eating like a pig though so that is a bonus!! Although my food today begs to differ!!!!